Cigarettes Toothbrush

Slow Death

Smoking causes slow and painful death. Quit now!
Slow Painful Death

Effect of Smoking on Lungs

Not an ad, but still a thought provoking image by Sancho Hemelsoen. [link]
Effect of Smoking on Lungs

Cigarette Lipstick

Think it makes you pretty? Clever advertisement from Moscow.
Cigarette Lipstick

Anti-Smoking Billboard

Using 15,000 cigarettes butts, glued together one by one in an outdoor panel, the Peruvian League of fight against cancer demonstrated the damage that a person who smokes causes to his family.
Anti Smoking Billboard

Marlboro .44 Magnum

Marlboro 44 Magnum

Fight Smoking Punching Bag

Exercise is a great way to control the urge to smoke. Go on knock that cigarette out.
Fight Smoking Punching Bag

Weapons of Mass Destruction

The text is written with systematic arrangement of cigarettes. [link]
Weapons of Mass Destruction
If these ads have not tempted you to quit smoking, then perhaps you should also know that non smokers get much cheaper life insurance quotes.

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